
Teamviewer wake on lan from shutdown
Teamviewer wake on lan from shutdown

TeamViewer is now configured to start automatically with Windows.

  • Click OK in the Permanent Access Activated message.
  • When prompted, enter a secure password, confirm, and Click OK.
  • To configure TeamViewer to run as a service after installation:
  • Ensure Start TeamViewer with Windows is selected.
  • When you finish the setup wizard, go to Extras > Options.
  • When you select this option, a wizard helps you setup TeamViewer as a system service. Unfortunately, most laptops are not.
  • When you are installing TeamViewer, click Install and set up unattended access to this device and the click Accept - next If the following does not work, then the M.2 slot is likely not setup for Wake-on-WLAN.
  • To configure TeamViewer to run as a service during installation:

    teamviewer wake on lan from shutdown

    The TeamViewer standalone integration only supports unattended connections when the TeamViewer host is commercially licensed. When TeamViewer is not configured to run as a service on a device, it is reported in the device Summary tab as: Take Control - Existing Installation - Integration Requires "Start With Windows" Set. To keep TeamViewer running continuously on the machine, configure TeamViewer to run as a service during installation or after installation using the TeamViewer options. To ensure connections to the device are constantly available, TeamViewer must be running continuously on the machine.

    Teamviewer wake on lan from shutdown